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Wednesday, 8 June 2011

FarmVille Birthday Trees: Cupcake Tree, Giant Confetti Tree & Giant Disco Bal Relaesed

FarmVille’s turning two and there are some fun new trees to join the party including this new Cupcake Tree, a Giant Cupcake Tree, Giant Confetti Tree, and Giant Discoball Tree!
Giant Confetti Tree267b0ca9131c387e1c7cb1acde8e3c65 FarmVille Birthday Trees: Cupcake Tree, Giant Confetti Tree & Giant Disco Bal Relaesed7f3cefa279c81ac7ddddae208106a66e FarmVille Birthday Trees: Cupcake Tree, Giant Confetti Tree & Giant Disco Bal Relaesed4ec5be5159730930350a987db870fd22 FarmVille Birthday Trees: Cupcake Tree, Giant Confetti Tree & Giant Disco Bal RelaesedCupcake TreeCupcake Tree Mastery Sign Giant Cupcake TreeGiant Cupcake Tree Mastery Sign

All four trees can be purchased directly with Farm Cash via the FarmVille Market. For a limited amount of time these trees will be on sale in the FarmVille Market as much as 50% off their original price, so act fast to get yours on a discount.
00 FarmVille Birthday Trees: Cupcake Tree, Giant Confetti Tree & Giant Disco Bal Relaesed000 FarmVille Birthday Trees: Cupcake Tree, Giant Confetti Tree & Giant Disco Bal Relaesed
Giant Cupcake Tree Ready to HarvestGiant Cupcake Tree Harvested
FarmVille Cupcake Tree – 7 Farm Cash (4 Farm Cash on Sale)
FarmVille Giant Cupcake Tree – 12 Farm Cash (8 Farm Cash on Sale)
FarmVille Giant Confettie Tree – 7 Farm Cash (3 Farm Cash on Sale)
FarmVille Giant Discoball Tree – 12 Farm Cash (6 Farm Cash on Sale)

Each tree also has Tree Mastery available. Read the tree mastery requirements and rewards below. Of course after mastering you will be rewarded with a Tree Mastery Sign to proudly display on your farm.

FarmVille Cupcake Tree Mastery Requirements & Rewards

Mastery Level 1: 75 harvests / Rewards: 25 XP and 500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 2: 150 harvests / Rewards: 75 XP and 1,500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 3: 225 harvests / Rewards: 250 XP and 5,000 Farm Coins, Mastery Sign
FarmVille Giant Cupcake Tree Mastery Requirements & Rewards

Mastery Level 1: 75 harvests / Rewards: 25 XP and 500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 2: 150 harvests / Rewards: 75 XP and 1,500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 3: 225 harvests / Rewards: 250 XP and 5,000 Farm Coins, Mastery Sign
FarmVille Giant Confetti Tree Mastery Requirements & Rewards

Mastery Level 1: 75 harvests / Rewards: 25 XP and 500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 2: 150 harvests / Rewards: 75 XP and 1,500 Farm Coins
Mastery Level 3: 225 harvests / Rewards: 250 XP and 5,000 Farm Coins, Mastery Sign
FarmVille Giant Discoball Tree Mastery Requirements & Rewards


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